Welcome to Gracie Sweetstory’s web page and blog. Gracie believes we all have stories to tell.
Some of them are even true.



Gracie Sweetstory, former eyelash model and thesbian hippie, changed her career to freelance writer/optimistic obit composer/ author of neurotica when she discovered the power of words, especially big words. Her favorite is postanitneoconceptualizationalisticism.

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If you would like to try your hand at writing as part of Stories for All Time, please go to  Gracie’sMGBlog and enjoy the invitation to submit.

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Who Hid the Raisin Bread?


It used to be that GRACIE SWEETSTORY would go along for the ride with Narrative Artist, HEATHER EMBERLEY, to schools to read to kids. Now it’s the other way around and Gracie is the one telling the story.